As mentioned here, the General Reference close reason is dead. In its place, I've added a custom "off-topic" option:
Questions that can be answered using commonly-available references are off-topic. A list of these references can be found here: List of general references
Like all of the custom off-topic reasons, you can (and probably should) replace this with one that better reflects your community's tone and standards (and perhaps grammar). However, I expect you'll keep something very similar to this since General Reference questions have always been a problem here and are unlikely to go away any time soon.
That said, I strongly encourage you to better define the questions that fall into this category. I linked to your list because I think it's a good start (and likely to be very useful to the folks asking these questions), but it could use a bit of cleanup:
There are a lot of dictionaries; if the intent is just to give folks a choice, it's ok to have a few, but if there are specific reasons to choose one over another (particularly for specific types of questions, e.g. etymology vs. pronunciation), then that should be noted.
I'm not sure "Urban Dictionary" really belongs in the same category as OED, at least not without a HUGE disclaimer.
What sorts of questions are the "General Language and English Language Reference" entries supposed to answer? All of them?
Ditto for Style and Translation - these may be useful and/or capture some questions you'd prefer weren't asked here, but I don't quite see how these are "general references"; heck, right now y'all devote more words to damning Strunk & White than you do to explaining why I'd want to refer to The Chicago Manual of Style for anything.
Remember, the goal is to point both askers and casual readers toward resources that will help them find the answers to their own questions. Try hard to teach them how to fish - don't just point them in the direction of the ocean and yell, "food's thataway."