Generally, you aren't notified or given a reason if your answer is deleted. You definitely should not expect this—that's just not how deletion works on Stack Exchange. (Nobody else has the ability to see the reason for deletion either.) If you want someone to tell you the reason, you'll need to actively seek that out, as you did by making this post on Meta.
Edit: Matt E. has specified in chat that the answer was deleted for offensive content:
she is not technically still their stepfather. that is offensive.
See also Kit Z. Fox's answer.
(My initial guess for the reasons was the following)
I would guess your answer was deleted mainly because it is opinion-based and doesn't provide any sources. This is a matter of format, not content. That said, I see there is another answer without sources that was not deleted, so there may be some evaluation of the content involved as well—your answer had already gotten two downvotes, showing some level of community disagreement with you, while the unsourced answer that remains has one upvote. In other words, unsourced answers that don't appear to be accurate are not tolerated as much as unsourced answers that do appear to be accurate.
Oh--another thing I just noticed was that you consistently referred to Caitlin Jenner using "he" and corresponding pronouns; many people find that offensive. This by itself wouldn't constitute a reason to delete your answer, since it could easily be changed by editing, but it might be another reason the answer wasn't received well.