I saw a situation today where a post was answered by 6 different people. One of the users who posted an answer, the highest voted answer, decided to comment on each of the other answers asking for each of them to upvote the others' answers.
To me, this seems like it would be frowned upon from the community and mods. I see this as a very minimal variation of fraud, as upvotes are supposed to signify usefulness to the user voting, not just as a reward for the users posting, and especially not as an empty reward. I have links to the post and pictures but do not want to single out anyone in case there's nothing wrong with it. I'm not looking to blast anyone, just genuinely curious.
Upon further reading, it appears the comment was made as a joke, kind of. The post is related to redundancy and it looks like the comment was made on all answers in an attempt to be redundant, which isn't necessarily any better. The comments have been deleted but it still doesn't answer my question of how the community feels about something of this nature...