The statistics is available for users with sufficient rep, but not everyone can see what happens behind the scenes, so here's a screenshot.
I'm not concerned with the number of questions closed by tchrist, who is ELU's mod, many of the questions closed were well deserved and a few were left open. I am, however, very surprised by the number of questions reviewed. Have I been sleeping under a rock all these weeks? Is this typical?
I thought there was a daily limit, a maximum of twenty reviews then SE blocked users from continuing. It's happened to me many a time, you get into the swing of things and then -BANG- I'm blocked and I can't review until the next day. Personally, I think twenty questions is too low a number, and experienced users, if so inclined, should be allowed to handle a greater "workload" But isn't 82 reviews too many for any user?
I've tried digging in SE Meta to find an answer, and I discovered that Stack Overflow users can close up to 40 questions per day. Is it the same for EL&U users? Has this limit been increased, and are mods exempt from this limit?
What are the limits on how I can cast, change, and retract votes?
Today, I went through the review queue to see what my limit was
It says: Thank you for reviewing 20 close votes today; come back in 13 hours to continue reviewing.
But tchrist's answer suggests that that number is 24. I don't understand.
We should probably be like the way that the more trafficked sites and each have 40 close votes per day, not the current 24.