I've now been a member of EL&U for 11 days. For the first 9 days, everything seemed pretty much normal -- a satisfying number of upvotes, a few (probably warranted) downvotes.
Then, over the course of the last two days, SIX of my Questions/Answers were downvoted, some several times.
Fascinating as it was to watch this pattern emerge, and curious as I was to just why it was happening, I did wonder whether I should respond to one or more of the incidents with a Comment -- in two cases, the obvious comment to make would have been, "Exactly what's wrong with that?" in cases where my answers provided (in my opinion) substantive additions to the thread. I can understand not upvoting these particular answers, but why the downvote?
I'm not particularly curious as to why the downvotes were lodged -- I'm simply (for the moment) assuming that I've acquired a diligent follower -- but is there any generally accepted response to this situation? Ignore the votes? Ask for clarification? Grin and bear it?