NVZ has already hit the nail on the head in the earlier answer by making the pertinent point that
(...) Point of the whole "we don't care about reputation points" from senior users is to remind others that there comes a time when you get past that excitement (...)
It is sad but true that I have already 'got past the excitement stage' as the plateau in my reputation graph within the last 10 days illustrates:
I remember I myself commented to Ben Kovitz's answer at ab2's earlier meta question (about 200 rep cap) that
[extracts] "(...) I think of it this way: my time is luckily my own, and I should probably be choosing those activities that both capture [attract & retain] my interest and give me gratification -- if asking, answering and discussing English at ELU were stressful or boring why I should continue? as we Indians say -- in fact I think the motivation is not really reputation points, but most likely the linguistic kicks (...)
what attracts me to ELU is the focused interaction built around the intricacies of the English language (which I love) -- and I like it so much: thats why I spend a lot of time here! The fundamental enjoyment of linguistic discussion and debate is only helped by reputation,which cannot replace the basic satisfaction derived from the interesting activity."
I believe this activity should be intrinsically satisfying independent of points, which it currently is, for me. I have become rather more discerning in submitting answers and would no longer do anything solely for collecting rep points.
Again, we should be well aware that StackOverflow sites were designed according to game theory in order to engage users in a friendly competition where good participation is rewarded by reputation points so that members remain interested to keep contributing good answers.
Good quality posts are rewarded with upvotes that get translated into reputation points, which is a positive reinforcement to modulate and encourage useful behavior -- so, as high-reputation member Josh has rightly said in comments, what counts is the quality of the questions and answers!