A lot of users here, myself included, find most SWRs of poor quality and sometimes downright annoying (although occasionally they prove entertaining.)
I thought Meta was supposed to be used for problems with the site:
Meta English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is the part of the site where users discuss the workings and policies of English Language & Usage Stack Exchange rather than discussing English language and usage itself. It is separated from the main Q&A to reduce noise there while providing a legitimate space for people to ask how and why this site works the way it does. Meta is for...
...English Language & Usage Stack Exchange users to communicate with each other about English Language & Usage Stack Exchange (asking questions about how the websites work, or about policies and community decisions)
...English Language & Usage Stack Exchange users to communicate with Stack Overflow the company (posting bugs, suggesting improvements, or proposing new features), and
...Stack Overflow the company to communicate with the community (soliciting feedback on new ideas or features, or discussing policies that affect the whole network)
Lately (or maybe since the beginning, I don't know, and I don't want to investigate; it would be too depressing) I see questions of a quality similar to SWRs on the main site, e.g.,
Why did I get downvotes on my well received post? (I don't deserve this! Damn this site!)
Why did my comment get removed? (It was really, really useful and should remain for posterity! Damn this site!!)
Why was I suspended again‽ (I mean, I know I've been rude and uncooperative, but really, a suspension? Damn this site!!!)
This site is soooo unfriendly! (I've only been here for three days, but already I'm fed up! Damn this site!)
I raised a flag! Why hasn't a moderator acted on it? (Lazy mods! Damn this site!)
Comments with down votes should be mandatory! (Otherwise how can Iargue and retaliateimprove my question? Damn this site!)
Why was my f****** expletive asterisized? (People are so d***ed touchy! D*** this site!)
Three questions:
Are these kinds of questions really on topic for this site's meta?
Can we have one sufficient answer and close all the subsequent similar questions as dupes?
Can we migrate these types of questions (with appropriate edits) to SE Meta? (Or to chat? <- That would be nice.)