There has been a string of meta questions about ELU migrating low quality questions to ELL. The most recent was this one. This question stems directly from that one.
To help prevent poor questions getting dumped on ELL and others, I suggest that the Migration buttons be removed from the Close tree and placed below the question along with Share, Edit, Close, and Flag .
As things currently stand, ELL Migration is buried four levels down in the Close tree. When an experienced reviewer looks at a question, they most often know, before any clicks, where they are headed. If it's to ELL Migration, then they have to click though the tree, and then the actual migration vote is a 'fire and forget' action. I think the current path/placement is an impediment to segregating bad questions from those that simply belong elsewhere.
There are things I just don't like about it being there. The decision tree is inherently condescending towards our sister sites. And why should someone opting to close a question be shown the migration vote tallies, given the tendency to just pile on?
And apparently, there are some dubious scoring rules as well. Please correct me if I'm wrong here, but if the fifth vote is to Close for lack of research, they could inadvertently cause the question to get Migrated. Wouldn't it make more sense for close votes to inhibit migration?
Question 1: Does the current location of the Migrate button contribute to the poor record of migrating low quality posts to ELL. Does it condition reviewers to migrate poor questions? Does it make it too easy to migrate poor questions? Does having both the migration and close vote tallies presented together muddy what should be a pretty clear distinction between 'bad' and 'wrong place'?
Question 2: If the current location of the Migration buttons is part of the problem, where should they go?