Here's an announcement for those who do not frequent Meta Stack Exchange (MSE).
By 7 December, every site on the Stack Exchange network will adopt the new theme.
With the final transition of the entire network to Responsive Design on December 7th, we can start rolling out new features for the entire network - Custom Questions Lists and Saved Searches - and doing research into others, like updating user profiles to play nice with the new responsive layout, for example...
December 2, 2018
Say Goodbye to the classic EL&U theme and Hello to the responsive theme complete with left navigation panels, triple-hamburger menus, and the peculiar mix-match of fonts (no mention that this issue has been resolved).
On December 4, users on Meta were invited to fill in a form explaining what they may dislike about the profile page. Yes, just the profile page. Suggestions, comments, ideas, and confused mumblings of dissent may be read here:
Help us improve the user profile and settings
Below is a snippet of the announcement.
We need your help
We’re kicking off these changes by conducting user research about what people like and dislike about the profile, and how it might be improved. In addition to the folks on Meta, we’ll be talking to people sourced from our Research email list. The intent is to get some preliminary knowledge about what kinds of updates would be most beneficial to the most people.
If you can spare a few minutes, please fill out this survey. Among other things, it asks questions like: [blah, blah, blah,…]
We recognize that Meta folks are probably more likely to use the profile and settings regularly, which is why you’re one of the first groups of people that we’re talking to.
Please fill out the survey by
Friday, December 7.Thursday, December 13.
Stroll over to Meta or click on the survey link above and let your voice be heard but hurry, this opportunity will expire on December 7th 13th.
The survey deadline has been extended, we actually have time to say what changes, if any, should be made to our profile pages. And we might as well discuss and/or suggest any aesthetic changes to the new theme while we're at it.
Catija, our Community Manager, is bringing us up to speed in her recent post, far better than I attempted here.
It's live. It's happened. It's here. The new theme has befallen us… sob