EL&U is not a transcription service, bluntly, but in the past we have entertained questions which ask about phonological phenomena and accents that can be demonstrated in a clip, e.g.
So, a question like "did she say my bad or my bed at T2:43?" will be viewed askance, but one that asks "in what situations would bad and bed use the same vowel, because in this clip…" might be received more favorably—provided the other criteria of a good question (useful, demonstrates initial research effort) are also present. For simple transcription help, you might try asking in Chat.
As user121863 notes, lyrics as an artistic expression are subject to interpretation, and there often is no definitive way to answer why a certain word was chosen or why a matter was phrased a certain way, other than that it sounded good to the author. Additionally, the author is granted considerable artistic license; as in poetry, the words may depart from standard grammar, spelling, or pronunciation in all manner of ways, or simply be interesting-sounding nonsense.