I work as a copywriter. Sometimes I have several options of a phrase and I want to check which one is more widespread and more commonly used. Surely, I can google it, but google will search everywhere and everything. I want something like a corpus that will be able to give me usage examples right away. No corpus is good for my purpose, because they usually only have bookish texts while I need live usage. Is there a service that can, say search the internet for exact phrases and give examples in the results? Tried googling, but haven't found anything of use.
Let's say I need to check "ad trackers" or "internet traffic". When I google any of the phrases, it only gives me the results that I search for, it doesn't give me any idea if it is common or not. It doesn't give me an understanding if "ad trackers" is more common as "ad trackers" or "AD trackers". It doesn't give me understanding if "internet traffic" is more commonly used as "mobile internet traffic" or "mobile traffic".
This thing kinda has the potential for all that I described above, but it's a paid service and it doesn't see any difference between upper and lower case.
This thing is free, however it only gives translation results, not the native language usage.
And while corpora are good, they have a mostly static database of texts. They change too slowly, while real language changes much quicker and richer in professional branches. Corpus is good for language research, but not for word (especially not for case) choices.
Is there something that combines everything in one and has a free plan?