Welcome to the internet. There's nothing special here - sexually loaded questions always arise and looking at the site over any one month period with free input from anyone with an account meant that terrible questions will always be asked.
It is the price of admitting all.
This site has nothing to do with valid questions - and even valid questions directly relating to english. It is about questions that the average 10th grader with a thesaurus, dictionary and wikipedia can't answer in 20 minutes time.
The current rush of "is x a real word" as well as the penis/clitoris one liner question should be quashed with great prejudice a week or two after asking the OP to improve the question if the mods are feeling nice and it's the person's first really bad question.
This site is about discussion between "linguists, etymologists, and (serious) English language enthusiasts"
Set aside whatever biological validity that question has, and imagine would any conversation in any university be about this question? No - they should all be down voted heavily, voted to be closed, and then deleted in due time. You have to ask everyone to keep the bar fairly high and something that is so obvious doesn't even start to rise to the occasion for being left open.
It's not a broken system when these questions pop up, get asked, get a chance to morph into something good or killed off in a quick death. Just close off bad questions - they can still be edited, salvaged and then re-opened.
You don't have to nurture every question, there are very bad questions for each specific site. If they don't get closed in two weeks time, then you'll need more mods. In the mean time, think of these as material for moderator training.