I am taking https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/47422/what-does-this-guy-mean-when-he-says-big-m as example, but the question is general to any similar question.
The user is asking the meaning of "big M" in "Firewall for 6 months? Are you big M?" which a reply to "I doubt this , i'm someone who migrated from Gentoo Linux , i still have lots of stuff to configure in Ubuntu , like firewall , a customized kernel , fonts , etc."
Given the context, I would think big M is referring to Microsoft, but it could be referring to Mc Donald's or Big M, a brand of flavored milk. Apart from the general context (a group for who don't like the Ubuntu Linux distribution), it is not clear the relation between a firewall the user needs to set up and Microsoft; a reference to Big M, or Mc Donald's, would be equally probable, as both has nothing to share with firewalls.
In which cases does a question about what somebody meant become a "try to guess" game?
What should be required from these questions to be acceptable?
If they are not acceptable, what should be the closing reason for those questions (I guess "too localized")?