Reviewing this question:
What are the functions of each part of the principal parts?
Trying to flag it to be moved to ELL. Only, ELL does not show in the list of sites. Can ELL please be added?
Reviewing this question:
What are the functions of each part of the principal parts?
Trying to flag it to be moved to ELL. Only, ELL does not show in the list of sites. Can ELL please be added?
When a site is still in beta phase, it is not added as migration path for another site; there are exceptions to this, for example with Writers, but that site has been in beta phase 856 days (less than 2 years and a half).
While there would be some questions that are candidates for migration to ELL, ELL has been in beta phase only 59 days. When the site will be in beta phase more days, and if there are still questions that should be migrated to ELL, ELL will be added as migration path.