Somebody out there in ELU land likes me. Which is really nice but this is getting a bit over-the-top. I'm getting a flood of up-votes in rapid succession, one after another. Take a look at my reputation chart and you'll see what I mean.
This is day two. I could just keep quiet and bask in the glory, but... I feel I don't deserve (all) these upvotes.
I'd like to point out, I have no idea who this wonderful and obviously a person with great taste, is. [insert large smile] And I do not wish to know either.
If dear user you are reading this, please, curb your enthusiasm. I am not used to receiving so much attention. I really appreciate the upvotes, but I'd prefer if you calmed down a little.
Thank you.
EDIT: Happening again. Tis the third time now. Sigh all those upvotes will be reversed tomorrow, and good thing too.
Dear "secret upvoter" thank you, it's very kind of you but please be aware that serial upvoting and downvoting on Stack Exchange sites will be reversed within 24 hours.
I shall now bask in my brief, briefest momentum of glory. Feels good! :)
EDIT TWO (22 February 2014)
My happy serial upvoter is at it again. Seems pretty daft behaviour if you ask me. Is it possible to know if the user is always the same? I don't want to know who he or she is, but whether it is a repeating offender. Obviously someone who does not frequent meta, me thinks. One last thing, does this person risk getting a suspension because they are abusing voting privileges?
EDIT THREE (14 April 2014)
To serial upvoter #5 or #6
Please, stop it.