, which was asked on meta, has been closed.
The justification given was
"This question does not appear to be about English Language & Usage Stack Exchange or the software that powers the Stack Exchange network within the scope defined in the help center." – waiwai933
The question asked (with minor edits):
Is there any website where I can practice speaking English with native speakers. Actually, I have a TOEFL test soon so it would be better to find an English club online. Please suggest.
As the question is about English language learning, I think it'd be a better match for English Language Learners than here, but that's not the main point.
Are questions about resources best asked on the main site, on meta (which some X Language & Usage sites do), or not at all?
I came across Should not the FAQ have an entry about online resource questions? and the like, but they were from 2 years ago.