'Is . . . grammatically correct?' or a variant is a commonly asked question on the site.
Though most people seeking to give a reasonable response often give answers such as 'This is not a question of correct or incorrect grammar. . .' and go on to address relevant issues such as frequency of use, sensibleness, clarity / ambiguity, likelihood to offend ... the fact remains that they/we are selecting the more rigorous of the common senses for (un)grammatical(lity) etc:
AHD does not give the broader sense:
gram·mat·i·cal ... adj. 1. Of or relating to grammar. 2. Conforming to the rules of grammar: a grammatical sentence.
RHK Webster's allows the broader, perhaps generally perceived sense:
- of or pertaining to grammar.
- conforming to the rules of grammar or standard usage
(bolding mine)
As this difference in terminology is so important on a linguistics site, perhaps there should be instructions that the term should not be used in questions, or that the term be used in just one of the two potentially conflicting ways?