Wouldn't "Advanced English Language & Usage" be more appropriate and cut down the ELL questions?
Just by the name of the site the users who post "ELL" are right. I believe this site poorly named. I shouldn't have to read a 3 minute preamble to figure out if my question belongs here. I would assume as a user that I have a question regarding English, so I ask it here.
Now maybe this was named before ELL was a little sperm swimming to the SE egg but things need to evolve. We shouldn't be closing 50 questions a day (I am just making that number up).
Edit: In no way do I want this question to construe any need for changing the policy of this site one way or the other. I simply chose "Advanced" because it is the first thing I thought of. The question was more about the confusion - to even "advanced" English speakers - on where they should go to ask a question. I find that these two sitting next to each other in the dropdown adds on to the confusion even more.
So question I raised is proposing changing based on confusion, not new site boundaries.