I've been a user for twelve months, and I would like to nominate one or more candidates for the position of ELU moderator. Generally speaking, the mods on ELU are doing a great job, with a few who are constantly present and keeping track of everything that's going on. Some might appear zealous to newbies but their hands on approach I fully endorse and approve. However, there is one mod in particular whose presence I have seen less and less frequently, who seldom posts answers or questions and as far as I can tell, barely participates in meta. I do like, and admire this person's integrity but if this person, for whatever reason, can no longer participate and act as the cool voice of reason, I feel she/he should be substituted.
Moreover, there is one other mod who I feel is particularly biased in favour of the "old vanguard/brigade", whose motives and ability to be fair and objective I find myself questioning.
ELU does not provide much information on these elections. Here is what I did find
On Stack Exchange, we believe the core moderators should come from the community, and be elected by the community itself through popular vote. We hold regular elections to determine who these community moderators will be. [Etc.]
How regular are these elections?