I don't have the text anymore (caching) so I can't quote it, but I know that the commentary already had some discussion from site-mods saying that it was acceptable, and quoting meta questions here.
So why was
Differences between slang words for breasts
closed? There surely needs to be an update to the meta here if this was an unacceptable question. The person was trying to track down slang and the appropriateness of it's use by asking people who have fluency and knowledge, and there were answers on there that were actually legitimate (of course mine included, since I'm inflamed that it was removed).
What gives? Why was it invalid?
Assistance from a diamond mod gives me these:
Seeing how this has collected two offensive flags within 50 minutes of being posted, I would like to remind everybody that this is a totally valid question for this site. (See meta question one, meta question two.) I do understand your frustration if you're browsing from a workplace where tits are not tolerated, but please take that up with the workplace and not with Sergey.
– RegDwight 3 hours ago (as of the time of collection for posting here)
The meta questions in reference are
1) Offensive/NSFW words: what are the boundaries?
2) Referencing the existence of words that may be offensive
I know there were other mods saying that it was marginal but perfectly acceptable.
EDIT: updated question title