What explains the discrepancy between the "number of posts awaiting review" highlighted in the header of the site, and the number of posts I actually see for review across all queues I have access to?
At first I thought it was just a synchronization or lag thing, but the header number is consistently higher than the sum of posts in the review queues. I then thought maybe it has something to do with other stacks I'm subscribed to, but currently EL&U is the only stack where I've earned reviewing privileges.
There's not even anything in the Meta.ELU review queue that could be contributing to the total count. The only other thing I can think of which could explain the discrepancy is the 55 includes items for review in queues which I don't have access to yet (say, the delete queues).
Can anyone shed some light? Or should I be asking this on Meta.StackExchange?