On deleting low quality single-word-request answers established the consensus that single line answers (SLAs) to single word requests (SWRs) shall be deleted, however the highest-voted answer argues that they should not be deleted immediately:
I think that if an SWR answer makes a legitimate but unsupported suggestion, we should give the poster a chance to amend it, with a warning that the window for doing so is narrow (specifying the time frame, if possible); then, if the poster doesn't improve the answer within, say, 24 hours, we should delete the answer.
As already noted in the comments on that answer, there are practical problems with realising this as there is no timed deletion mechanism for answers (by contrast questions can be put on hold). To this, moderator Matt E. Эллен responded:
We currently leave flags in the [moderator] queue for up to a week, once a comment has been left asking for more effort.
However, a central paradigm of SE’s review system is to delegate the handling of such standard cases to users, so that a moderator never sees them. I do not think that having all these answers sit in the moderator queue for a long time is a good solution (and nobody explicitly suggested it), as our moderators are busy enough, the moderator queue offers no good mechanism of organising this, and there is no clear way to get these posts in the moderator queue and only there in the first place¹.
Hence I am asking for a practicable way to handle such answers. In particular:
- If I encounter a SLA to a SWR in a first-posts or late-answers review, shall I flag it and if yes, how?
- If I encounter a SLA to a SWR in the low-quality queue, shall I vote to delete it or not?
- What kind of comment shall we leave on such answers that provides useful and friendly guidance to the author?
¹ Custom flags are not a solution because the respective post could still be deleted in the mean time through the low-quality queue or 20 k users, respectively (and the custom flag will remain in the mod queue despite this, which is annoying to Kit Z. Fox in any case (who was the mod who edited this part in)).
Glossary: SLA: single-line answer; SWR: single-word request; SE: Stack Exchange