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How can I inform an OP that I may have answered his or her question?

EDIT I have shortened my original question because I feel the lengthy preamble added nothing of value, I have accepted Simchona's answer and I don't like wasting people's time. So, here it is the ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
  • 92.9k
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Update the timestamp shown when an edit has been done in the 5-minute time frame

I edit a question of mine to change the punctuation and, as I am in my attention-deficit moment, I edited it after 2 minutes to change the punctuation of another sentence. When I pressed the "Save ...
avpaderno's user avatar
  • 59.6k
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Change the text shown after the field to add a new answer

Actually, after the form field and the button to add a new answer, the following text is shown: The text could be confuse some users that, from a side, see duplicate questions being closed and, from ...
avpaderno's user avatar
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Is there a way to hide answers you don't want to see?

Somewhere between the fine line between downvoting (which I did) and flagging (which I did not), we have stuff like this answer: What are the similarities and differences between "irony" and ...
MrHen's user avatar
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2 answers

Exception to 30 character minimum for answers

Is there any way to create an exception for the minimum answer length for questions tagged "single-word request?" It seems wasteful and inconvenient and seems feasible from a coding perspective.
Yitzchak's user avatar
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