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Questions tagged [moderators]

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11 votes
3 answers

2022 Community Moderator Election

The 2022 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, ...
28 votes
1 answer

Who will take up the mantle?

Happy new year! tl;dr: there will be a moderator election some time in March. Start thinking about if you'd like to be elected. UPDATE The community management team have let me know they are working ...
Matt E. Эллен's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

I would like to report an abuse of mod power

I’m reporting @tchrist for the abuse of his mod power, for the following reasons: Deleting comments that were helpful but didn’t serve his question well: All the comments from different users above ...
aesking's user avatar
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22 votes
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Jaded user meets new contributor…

The jaded user is myself. The new contributor is (was) Replica Foxtrot who posted this question What does the phrase 'Putting the Spring' mean? I am reading the book about the Simpsons and I ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

I didn't know the yellow ax question had been locked. Did you?

Which word begins with "y" and looks like an axe in this picture? Apparently, the question no longer deserves to be open and was locked on January 9, 2018. Is this a surprise for anyone? ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
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65 votes
4 answers

Why I'm absent for a little while

Over the last few months, I have been going through the process of being diagnosed with cancer. The English mod team, SE community moderators, and mods from other sites have been very supportive and ...
Kit Z. Fox's user avatar
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2016 Community Moderator Election

The 2016 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks,...
-3 votes
3 answers

One of our moderators has not logged in since Oct. 23, 2015

I just happened to find this and my questions are: Has this moderator been removed from ELU moderatorship automatically in accordance with the absentee policy? Any moderator who is not active on ...
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1 vote
4 answers

Could a mod have notified me that my post risked being “permanently” deleted?

Is there an unwritten rule that prevents a mod from advising an OP that they had better edit their question/answer because their post risks being permanently deleted? Is there some rule of conduct ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
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2 votes
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How can we contact or engage the moderators?

Presumably one of the roles of moderators is to correct users that are performing clearly erroneous reviews. I thought the two users who rejected this edit could probably use some guidance, which ...
feetwet's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Moderators who are clearly inactive

Should be removed, and new elections held to fill in that role, or selecting the runner-up in the most recent election (similar to Arqade) to fill in that role. Take the user waiwai933 His profile ...
yuritsuki's user avatar
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2014 Community Moderator Election

The 2014 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks,...
8 votes
1 answer

Why are there only two moderator positions available?

Well, we're in the primary phase of the election process, and I looked up at the positions available. I did a double take upon seeing that there were but two positions open. Now, every SE site that I'...
Luke_0's user avatar
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14 votes
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2012 Community Moderator Election

The 2012 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks,...
6 votes
1 answer

Another Community Moderator

Stack Exchange sites are largely self-policed by the community, but we also need leaders from the site whose focus is to provide additional moderation support and site management as community ...
Rebecca Chernoff's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

Why is there no method of contacting a moderator regarding actions taken on your behalf?

Since there is no where for me to send a message to a moderator, who has in my opinion, badly abused his power, I'm asking this question. In this question Why do some English speakers pronounce “f&#...
zenbike's user avatar
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2011 Community Moderator Election [closed]

The 2011 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks,...