I think there is value in distinguishing questions about pronunciation (“[Is ‘forte’ pronounced ‘fort’ or ‘for-tay’?][1]”) from questions about phonology (“[Sounding ‘æ’ vs. ‘ɛ’ in English phonology][2]”), so I wouldn’t support making those two tag synonyms.

I think that the “plain English” terms (‘pronunciation’, ‘word-order’) should be used for questions about particular concrete examples of words or constructions, whereas the linguistics terms (‘phonology’, ‘syntax’, ‘morphology’) should be saved for questions about processes and generalities about the English language. Therefore in my opinion the question about the Great Vowel Shift (“[Written English Vowels are Odd][3]”) should have the ‘phonology’ tag, whereas the question “[Pronunciation of comparable][4]” is fine to keep the ‘pronunciation’ tag. I do think the question “[Is there a difference between the pronunciation of a teenager, and the pronunciation of an adult?][5]” should probably be tagged with the ‘phonology’ tag and not the ‘pronunciation’ tag.

  [1]: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/1545/is-forte-pronounced-fort-or-for-tay
  [2]: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/676/sounding-vs-in-english-phonology
  [3]: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/235/written-english-vowels-are-odd
  [4]: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/1691/pronunciation-of-comparable
  [5]: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/1886/is-there-a-difference-between-the-pronunciation-of-a-teenager-and-the-pronunciat