Below are two identical suggested edits.
The first was accepted but the second rejected.  Why?
The reason given for the rejection was that the edit deviates
from the original intent of the post.

Both edit suggestions:

- Were in the highest-rated answers, likely be read by a variety of visitors
- Did not change the texts of those answers
- Added links from dictionary abbreviations (*ODO* and *MW*) to EL&U's list of dictionary abbreviations
- Were under questions that are stated plainly, with no abbreviations or dictionary mentions

These answers surely did not intend for dictionary abbreviations to be
cryptograms that overshoot the technical levels of their questions.
Anyone familiar enough with EL&U to understand an isolated *ODO* or *MW*
doesn't even need that information when it is contained in a URL elsewhere
in an answer.

I don't suggest this kind of edit when the tone
of a question seems appropriate for EL&U shorthand in answers.
These suggestions were for the sake of clarity, not points.
(Anything past the 50 points needed to comment is more than enough for me.)

**An accepted edit**

> [What are “legacy brands”?](
> <br>
> Does the phrase "Legacy brands" just mean "companies that are inherited from generation to generation" or there is another particular meaning?&emsp;.&nbsp;.&nbsp;.

> &ensp; &#x2807; <br>
> [ODO]

&emsp; &darr; [edit accepted](
>  [[ODO](]

= `[[ODO](]`

**Same edit rejected**

> [Does English have an equivalent word for alimungawan?](
> <br>
> It's the short semiconscious or confused state after sleep. Very much like a hypnic jerk but you don't go back to sleep.&emsp;.&nbsp;.&nbsp;.

> &ensp; &#x2807; <br>
> [MW]

&emsp; &darr; [edit rejected:](
&ldquo;This edit deviates from the original intent of the post.&rdquo;
> [[MW]](

= `[[MW]](`