UNDELETED: Deleting a highly upvoted but questionably correct answer (the one with the subjunctive)
So I’ve looked over the guidance I can find about incorrect answers and what to do about them (especially if they’ve been accepted or have attracted a lot of votes) on the main meta. The consensus ...
UNDELETED: Deleting a highly upvoted but questionably correct answer (the one with the subjunctive)
I understand that it is disturbing when a dubious answer far outscores a careful and authoritative answer. However, a number of factors suggest to me that the present case is not an especially hard ...
Are there any topics that are off limits in answers/comments?
If something is irrelevant to an answer, it should be edited out. If something is only relevant as an example, but the example is too inflammatory or distracting, it should be changed. The fact that ...
How bad is it to answer a question that might be unsuitable for the site?
The main reason this is bad that I know of is that it may prevent the automatic deletion of low-quality questions. This makes the site have more low-quality questions that show up in search results ...
Can I answer with translated proverbs or expressions?
Bear in mind that you are answering on the website "English Language and Usage". An Indian proverb is not part of the English language; a literal translation is not part of English usage (unless of ...
Protocol when a comment provides a reasonable answer
People leave partial answers in comments for various reasons. Regardless, if you see useful information or partial answers in the comments, you can use that to write a detailed answer yourself.
It'd ...
- 22.6k
Is it good to migrate questions which are on-topic and have answers?
My reasoning for not migrating is as you have stated.
Mods are advised against migrating questions that are on topic where they currently are and have positively received answers. (Moderators can see ...
Are answers that only cite personal experience acceptable for questions about dialects?
As my flagging of a comment instigated @sumelic question, I'll share my thought.
Questions on pronunciation are quite interesting, particularly for non-natives as myself, as resources are very ...
How to handle old questions with answers stuck in a comment?
I do answer a question in a comment if I think the question is marginal and worthy of closing. I consider this a kindness and an expediency. Kindness because I'm giving the benefit of my knowledge, ...
What's the best way to address an antisemitic slur suggested as an answer over a year ago?
I would certainly take "Shylock" these days to refer to the unsavoury aspects of loan-sharkiness rather than be anything to do with religion.
I'm aware that British attitudes to language differ ...
Andrew LeachMod
- 103k
Six votes recommending deletion, but not deleted
It's because it had a net positive score at the time that six recommends were racked up.
There's a notice on it. Eventually if the user doesn't return pretty soon and fix it up, it will probably be ...
- 136k
Qualitative 'boundaries' for what it means to answer in comments
"We expect answers to be substantial, and backed up by references. [⬅️ This therefore is not an answer. :-]"
By this, I suppose what tchrist means that because his comment does not ...
Community wiki
Protocol when a comment provides a reasonable answer
I will not speak for others but some of why people do it is addressed in Why Do Some People Answer in Comments on the main Meta Stack Exchange (S.E.) Website. The matter is also addressed in a similar ...
Can I answer with translated proverbs or expressions?
My advice would be always check if the saying exists in English as well.
It seems that "Words are like arrows, once loosed you cannot call them back" is a well-quoted saying in English and is wrongly ...
How bad is it to answer a question that might be unsuitable for the site?
TL;DR: It totally depends. Only answer bad questions when you provide a good answer. Otherwise, keep it in the comments.
What would have been a great thing
If however you do see something ...
UNDELETED: Deleting a highly upvoted but questionably correct answer (the one with the subjunctive)
I am disturbed by this deletion. The answer may not have been a good one (although the number of upvotes clearly disputes that)—but, in all other cases, whether an answer (or question) is good is ...
Is scolding other users in the comments section worthy of a flag?
Regarding the titular question, the code of conduct forbids "subtle putdowns", "unfriendly language", "Name calling", "personal attacks" (which "includes terms that feel personal even when they're ...
Lack of context with this template
It is a four word answer: “Fume is another possibility.” Kudos for properly crediting the work of another author that you relied on when you wrote it. All it lacks is the comprehensive explanation and/...
What's the best way to address an antisemitic slur suggested as an answer over a year ago?
It must not have been an “anti-semitic slur” for Joe Biden, and I had never heard of it being considered that either.
That said, it’s still a way to portray someone as a brutal loanshark unrelated ...
- 136k
What's the best way to address an antisemitic slur suggested as an answer over a year ago?
There are two issues here. The linguistic/cognitive nature of the fact and then how this site deal with such things.
There's no doubt it is an anti-semitic pejorative. It has only ever been used to ...
How do deal with answers to a "try to guess" question
You are certainly not alone in your thinking; many people feel that rewarding a poorly-framed question with a thoughtful and detailed answer is not only futile, but in fact is actively detrimental to ...
About closed questions
Welcome to the website. You might want to take some time examining our help center. Click the question mark icon on the upper right-hand side of the screen and you can find it. In it there are a few ...
UNDELETED: Deleting a highly upvoted but questionably correct answer (the one with the subjunctive)
For users who do not have 10K rep and cannot see the deleted answer, here it is. And, yes, I had already downvoted it.
When in doubt, always use the subjunctive mood:
If I were you...
It will make ...
Community wiki
Lack of context with this template
It's not that your answer lacks explanation per se, but that some people argue that your answer should consist of mainly your own words to make it an expert answer, which I agree with, but in my ...
- 22.6k
Are answers that only cite personal experience acceptable for questions about dialects?
If the question is specifically asking about dialect differences, then I think these kinds of answers are acceptable. (They aren't for pretty much all the other kinds of questions.)
Answers that cite ...
What's the best way to address an antisemitic slur suggested as an answer over a year ago?
I wish one of the answers mentioned the edit of @Tonepoet (made about 2 hours after the Meta question was posed) and whether that edit solved the problem in this particular case. (I think it did.) ...
Can we revive a valuable answer that was removed?
Yes, it is possible. The OP can undelete their own post (they may or may not want to, some people delete a post while making changes, eventually to leave it undeleted. Users with high enough rep can ...
How do deal with answers to a "try to guess" question
Questions (especially from new users) often lack the required details to help us narrow down the list of possible answers.
What I'd normally do is vote to close as "unclear what you're asking", and ...
- 22.6k
How to prevent automatic downvotes on an answer after editing it?
Thanks to Andrew Leach ♦ for the link to Shog9 ♦'s answer on MSE, part of which is applicable here also. Emphasis added.
The system will now revoke the automatic downvote if, after the [VLQ] flag is ...
- 22.6k
Why is this answer not suited to the question?
Uh… for the same reason a chicken can't push a hay-wain or an iceberg fly: just like deceitfulness, neither superficiality nor ostensibility has anything to do with a word for someone who deflects ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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