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16 votes

Proposal for selective blacklisting

Yes, yes, yes: just do it already! The suggested title ban would definitely be a good thing: it places a hurdle on blindly asking proof-reading questions, and might cause posters to think about which ...
Andrew Leach's user avatar
  • 103k
12 votes

Would "Is 'maiden name' now considered sexist" be off-topic? Can I ask if née replaces it in the same question?

Yes, it is on-topic. Asking for questions to elucidate the nuance of meaning in words is one essential use of ELU. It is not asking for opinions about the meaning (whether you like or support the ...
Mitch's user avatar
  • 71.9k
8 votes

Is it offensive to use someone's comment as a basis of another question on its own?

Objectively, what you did seems to be above board. Subjectively, the use of the word "Sadly" in your new question may have been taken to have cast aspersions on the commenter: Sadly, this comment ...
Lawrence's user avatar
  • 38.9k
8 votes

Can a placeholder text be added to the question body box?

Yes, I love this idea. SE Devs should definitely add it. Quick and easy, and should be harder to ignore than the "How to ask" (which is off to the side).
AndyT's user avatar
  • 14.9k
7 votes

Proposal for selective blacklisting

Disallowing “grammatically correct” and such would only make it harder to spot the questions that are off topic; they'd just put an even crappier title consisting of gibberish if necessary. I'm all ...
Mazura's user avatar
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6 votes

Is it offensive to use someone's comment as a basis of another question on its own?

Your title here is very misleading. Of course it is ok to quote a comment or part of an answer. What is bad about your LL question is the framing. You're disparaging the contents of the quote. You'...
Mitch's user avatar
  • 71.9k
3 votes

Would "Is 'maiden name' now considered sexist" be off-topic? Can I ask if née replaces it in the same question?

Mitch has already explained why the question would be within the topic of this site and the upvotes, together with the absence of downvotes, suggest that there is a considerable agreement about that. ...
jsw29's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it offensive to use someone's comment as a basis of another question on its own?

Clearly the person you quoted was offended, as I take from this quote from this comment: gaazkam, what you seem to have done there appears very deeply offensive. You need both to rectract it and to ...
JJJ's user avatar
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3 votes

Proposal for selective blacklisting

By all means. But I doubt whether it will have much effect. I personally think we need AI to detect a subset of off-topic questions, and will be proposing that.
David's user avatar
  • 12.9k
2 votes

Are Reference Requests on-topic?

This might be more of a work-around than an answer proper. Bare requests for papers are a mixed bag - there is some precedent for it, but aside from maintaining the canonical list of references, it's ...
Lawrence's user avatar
  • 38.9k
2 votes

Can I ask for the "identification" of a word depending on a meaning?

Yes, you can make single-word-requests. Please read our guidelines for such questions. IMO the most important things to do are to provide a sentence you want to use the word in and provide any words ...
Matt E. Эллен's user avatar
1 vote

Is it offensive to use someone's comment as a basis of another question on its own?

Is it offensive to use someone's comment as a basis of another question on its own? To answer your question as posed: It is sad but true[1] that a member cannot really object if their comment is ...
English Student's user avatar
1 vote

Are Reference Requests on-topic?

The EL&U community has decided, like many stack sites, that reference requests are off-topic on the main site, as being liable to turn into subjective popularity contests / shopping lists. ...
Dan Bron's user avatar
  • 28.5k
1 vote

Proposal for selective blacklisting

I agree with Andrew Leach's post for the most-part, and would like to add that I believe the word is much more polysemous than most of us give it credit for being so it is confusing as a tag. You will ...
Tonepoet's user avatar
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