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8 votes

There should be a close-vote option labeled as: "there is no discernible research done before asking the question"

Now, this is only scratching the surface, but there is an option I think should be added to the list: "there is no discernible research done before asking the question". It doesn't need to be written ...
JJJ's user avatar
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3 votes

Repetition in answer of what was already mentioned in original question

You try to give the correct answer. Whether that answer has been discounted by the asker is kind of beside the point. Except that an explanation of why you disagree might help you to get the answer ...
MetaEd's user avatar
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2 votes

Repetition in answer of what was already mentioned in original question

I would advise against repeating a suggested answer if all you intend to do is spite the dismissal. However, in some cases answering the question with its own answer may help. The main point of ...
Tonepoet's user avatar
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