24 votes

Support for Monica Cellio

Since this question has not been closed or deleted, I'll offer an answer. While visibility of the problem is (kinda) important, if you really want to support persons who have been treated poorly by ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
19 votes

Support for Monica Cellio

An obvious requisite step for all reasonable parties to gain understanding about this kerfuffle is to hear Monica’s side of the story. This podcast interview ala Tyler’s Tech, in which Monica is ...
Laurent R.'s user avatar
2 votes

“we tried to fix it”

Just so this post won't be bumped by Stack Exchange for the third and miserable time. I'll post an answer and accept it. We can't fix it if we don't know what y'all would consider an improvement. ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
  • 91.3k
1 vote

“we tried to fix it”

Foundation: When you already have an identifiable 'image' identity, you want to either completely scrap it, or work off of the main familiar iconic elements. The main question/responses here are ...
Norman Edward's user avatar

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