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FumbleFingers's user avatar
FumbleFingers's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
  • United Kingdom
35 votes

Why are answers being posted in the comments on the question?

22 votes

2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

16 votes

Why are all the contributors here so nasty to each other?

15 votes

Why are ELU's users so easily irritated?

14 votes

Why did so few people vote in the 2012 elections for moderators?

13 votes

Effort wasted answering a question deleted before posting my answer

12 votes

Has anyone on EL&U been awarded the 'I See Your Point' hat yet?

12 votes

Why don't I get good hits when searching "Poor man's" with quotes?

12 votes

Should I trust a suspended user?

12 votes

Why was the amber/yellow lights question closed as general reference?

12 votes

How do I insert an actual NGram chart into my post?

11 votes

Moderators’ policy on hectoring

11 votes

How to handle old questions with answers stuck in a comment?

10 votes

What is "chat with an expert"

9 votes

Please help define the limits of General Reference

9 votes

users moderating changes to their own questions

9 votes

Name & Shame: Top users who don't vote, edit or use the review queues

9 votes

Should we be leaving comments discouraging users from answering off-topic questions?

8 votes

Moderators who are clearly inactive

8 votes

"Removed OED definition as it is not allowed under my license agreement"

8 votes

Providing links to ELL

7 votes

Why are most new questions being downvoted?

7 votes

Should specific mods answer for their actions when called to task in meta?

7 votes

Would ELU like to start a trial of needing only 3 votes to close/reopen a question?

7 votes

Follow up to FF's question on 50 posts limit

7 votes

Dealing with spam

6 votes

Why do we frequently see failure to capitalize "I" and incorrect spacing around punctuation?

6 votes

Yes, there are mean spirited, small-minded, humourless users in EL&U. What to do?

6 votes scraping EL&U and SE content

6 votes

Length of Questions and Answers

2 3 4 5