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anongoodnurse's user avatar
anongoodnurse's user avatar
anongoodnurse's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
44 votes

"Oh The Horror" Hat Club 2013

26 votes

Bring back the Summer of Love (aka Make new users feel more welcome)

24 votes

Support for Monica Cellio

22 votes

"Thanks man for not laughing at my question :)"

21 votes

Defensiveness when replying to comments

20 votes

In this scenario, who gets the bounty?

16 votes

Undo removal of comments to chat

15 votes

Does a question which shows no research, no effort deserve a downvote?

12 votes

should downvotes be anonymous

11 votes

Are we planning any festivities for the 50.000. question?

10 votes

Forum tone, reasonableness, and the possibility of a curated stack

10 votes

Do we want to enable post limits?

9 votes

Is it valid to downvote on account of an answer being 'too hasty'?

9 votes

Why do some people have negative opinions against questions on Shakespeare's works?

9 votes

Can ELU deal with a question like this?

9 votes

Is overriding several posts simultaneously ever justifiable?

9 votes

Wanting More Guidance on Today's "What is a word for not seeing obvious warning signs?" Discussion

8 votes

Should we discourage the use of argot such as AmE, BrE, ELU, ...?

8 votes

Please air your grievances here

8 votes

Why do some people get angry at questions?

8 votes

What are the pragmatic benefits of having a good knowledge of formal English grammar?

8 votes

What is the baseline for an etymology question?

8 votes

Why doesn't fifty-five equal thirty-six?

8 votes

Why did sucking question get a lot of downvotes?

8 votes

How do you explain why a word phrase is unlikely to exist?

8 votes

Are textspeak abbreviations acceptable in answers?

8 votes

Hats are coming

7 votes

OK to comment that you haven't heard the usage?

7 votes

Can anything be done about mean-spirited requests for terminology?

7 votes

What is the procedure when you find a user who is using 2 or more user names?