Here are three recent question examples, including one asked by me:
What do you call the space where you park a car? Parking spot, space, bay or what?
This baby-walking device is called a ([prefix]-)[name] by people from [location]
Google will find me lots of dictionary entries and other things to tell me definitions of the words pram, stroller, paperhanger, interior decorator, parking spot, parking bay, and so on. However, I don't know of any way to find which of these terms are most common in England versus Australia versus the Eastern U.S. versus the Western U.S. versus anywhere else people claim to speak English.
Mostly, I see comments which tell where the user is from, and what that user and his/her friends/ family/ associates call the thing, and whether the user is familiar with the alternative terms. Definitive, well-resourced answers are hard to come by.
Let's try to assist these askers, answerers, and commenters. Please provide tips on what resources exist, or what sort of terms to use in searches to obtain reliable information.