One of the closers of my question 'as off-topic', commented:
[Source:] I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because in the final analysis it's almost always a matter of opinion how and why acceptable usages for a word change over time. Especially with common short prepositions, conjunctions, etc., since all Anglophones have been using them for centuries - mostly without the benefit of having been formally taught exactly what "definitive" usage rules should have applied during their lifetime. Often, all we know now is what
changes did occur
, not why.
From questions with the most upvotes asked in 2014 onwards,
the question of why changes did occur
are asked in, but NOT limited to, the following:
Why is there no "autumntime" or "falltime"?
Why is it "behead" and not "dehead"?
Why is "pound" (of weight) abbreviated "lb"?
Why do eleven and twelve get unique words and not end in "-teen"?
Per the above, many other questions on how and why acceptable usages for a word change over time abound and remain open.
The objective of all these questions equate identically to mine,
and the comment quoted above applies to the aforesaid questions. So why was my question closed?
I should hope that a question be considered on its merits, notwithstanding the questioner's identity.