I answered Some odd omission of 'who'? (answer now self-deleted) because one mod has recently been leaving comments that we shouldn't put answers in the comment field. (Here's an example) and here's the verbiage:
Do not use comments to answer (post an answer instead), praise or rebuke (vote instead), discuss (chat instead), suggest edits (edit instead), or comment on site design or policy (post at meta instead). Use comments to ask for clarification, suggest changes, or offer short-lived information.
This is why I made a suggestion in the comments to "pre-paid card" or "prepaid card?" rather than provide an answer.
But I know at least one respected user who says that he downvotes answers that answer close-worthy questions (and I used to also do that sometimes (dv answers that answered really easy questions), but I don't do that anymore because recently I've cut way back on what I downvote). So I am reluctant to answer a question that is not about advanced English (by that, but I mean proper for this site), because I don't want to get a DV for an answer that contains correct information. Does this mean we should be voting to close the roughly 75%-80% of the questions here that aren't about advanced English (by that I mean proper for this site)? And is downvoting an answer that helps somebody because it's too easy a question a legitimate use of the dv?
In other words, if we're cracking down both on not answering in comments and not answering questions that could be closed due to their being not advanced enough (ie, proper for this site), what are we supposed to do anymore? I can only vote to close so many questions...
And this whole thing is relevant to older questions, say from 2011 to 2014, when the site seemed to be much more lax about answers including any references or longer than one sentence, and much more lenient regarding questions that show zero research... Because there a lot of questions from those years that if asked today should be close-voted.