It turns out that limiting reviews per user per day (now set SE-wide at 20] is less important that reducing close votes per day per user, which is set at 24. Whether ELU has control over this is not clear, but if we do, it should be reduced to, say, 3.
The generic problem here is that these numbers do not respond to the number of questions asked. The decline in questions per day or week thus lets a few people control the questions that make it through.
There are questions posted and closed without even half a day available to the poster to reply or respond to a question to clarify a posting. It seems to me posters should have 24 hours to respond, as access may be convenient only once a day.
An answer may be being drafted while the question is simultaneously being closed. Thus there’s a two-year-old closed question with a highly up-voted answer by the late linguist John Lawler.
I realize changes to SE in its entirety are pointless to pursue, but local ones (that 24!) may be worthwhile.