Ever since this came up in a recent meta post, I've been thinking about it. Could we just end this once and for all?
Merge both into a new tag, etymology-and-phrase-orgins (tm). Long, but fits within the 35 character tag limit.
Here's my reasoning:
- More accurater. Maybe even most accuratest.
- No more debate about whether or not "etymology" can cover something with hyphens or spaces or even both with (*gasp*) commas.
- No need to retag anything. (Let's face it, a lot of questions asking about phrases use etymology and there's no way they can all be retagged.)
- Nobody has to lose their hard-earned etymology tag badge (don't believe anyone has a gold phrase-origins badge).
I see etymology/phrase origin as requiring the same skills to answer. I don't see any real benefits to keeping them as separate tags, either. The fact that we already tag both word origin and phrase origin questions with etymology makes me think that I'm not the only one who thinks that.
So I ask, in this answer, does anyone see a reason why we shouldn't merge these tags together and end all the discussion?