I indeed wanted to warn people from getting drawn into our troll’s webs, and my comments and close-votes were not doing the job.
As J.R. correctly surmised, the problem was that it had begun to draw flies, meaning that it was luring the unsuspecting into its devices, and we had neither a moderator nor enough high-rep users on hand to quickly take out the trash.
Yes, it was probably a bit extreme, and I do see why new users become confused. But after flouting the rules not just a five or ten or even a few dozens times, but thousands of times, and going far worse than that even, there seems unlikely to be reversal of judgement from the Powers That Be on this matter this side of hell freezing over.
After all the many-times-daily violations for more than a year running, and after all that we’ve all suffered here, if said Powers were to renege on their position that the ban is valid and it stays, then they would be rewarding bad behavior, not to mention direct violations of their own written policies — and just for once, it really would feel like the terrorists had won.
So let’s not do that.