I think it should be, but you'd have to read my comments above to understand how and why.
I think it's pretty easy to identify users, who belong,* on ELL.
But this question, and the general animosity about migrating to ELL, prevents me from even trying. If that was your goal, you've succeeded. (friendly indeed, in my mind that's a different "f" word, just cleverly worded.)
** users whose own self interest, as well as the interest of SE at large, would be better served there
How can we expect users with a poor grasp of English to be instantly good SE'ers on sites where the text is in English? How does ELL deal with questions like that? Are they just complaining because they already have to deal with plenty of them, themselves? And basically have no outlet for, "You're beyond any help (that would be on-topic for this site), try [this site.]" like ELU does?
Shouldn't it be ELL's job to teach people English and how to SE at the same time?
IMO, if you don't want crap questions migrated, make a feature request at ELU for an automatic "user creation script" for user (migration) / creation (or some such route for what I'm intending). Then you can have them all to yourselves from the get-go. However, this may be difficult to implement without SE itself violating the Be Nice policy.
Having to "kindly word" yo, you need to go learn how to english is not my cup of tea. It does however, pain me to admit that I've given up on y'all (users who need help). SE exists to answer people's questions, not to make life easier for moderators or whatever.
The example question is actually a dupe of a Meta question (cross-site duping is a battle for another day). This one is even better, because it's written in the broken English someone would use to ask it. And it (the link) has but one sole answer that might as well have a full stop after: Go join ELL.
I'll take any DVs as, "That user migration thing would be even worse." Please note if otherwise and BTW, you can leave the "kid gloves" at the door. Mine came off when the OP fudged the F word. Or don't (explain yourself), the numbers on my first comment and the one below it, tell us that about 1/3 of the users who read it agree (that there should be a way to migrate users, which also tells us that it's unlikely to be status: completed). So, if this ends up with half as many ups as downs, we won't make any ground here unless you explain why.